About Us

PPF is a father and son run business located in Sandy Utah, owned and operated by TJ and Matthew Casterline. Matthew is a Marine Corps Veteran, TJ is a father to three Marines, and together they also run a security company, Pure Protection.

Originally a home-based FFL, PPF turned into a huge passion rather quickly and we decided it was time to move into a storefront! In our shop you’ll find a wide array of firearms, ammunition, optics, and more! If you name it there’s a good chance we carry it, and if not, let us know and we’ll be more than happy to try to get our hands on it for you.

We are a military family and proudly support all who are serving and have served and we would like to offer all military and first responders 5% off on ammo and 10% off on all other purchases (excluding firearms). In our shop, you’ll find our Hometown Hero’s wall where we showcase Utah residents who have served or are currently serving, so bring in a photo of a Utah military hero!

We have also partnered with two local Utah companies to bring you custom wall-mounted gun safes by Locked and Loaded, and custom and bullet-shaped tumblers by On Point Tumblers & More!

Monday - Friday 9A - 5P, (Sat-Sun Closed)   +801-413-7666

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